Monday, August 6, 2018

Resolving Old Battles

Most (ok, all) of us have past experiences with us for some or most of our lives.  For some, it is like a carry on, not much there, but enough to need to deal with it.  Others seem to have checked luggage, at times multiple bags, that weigh us down and slow our progress in life.

But what if we could unload the luggage and fly in life with no baggage at all?  Sound good?  Oh, wait, we feel like we need what we are carrying.  So we are not so willing to part with it.  We feel like it is a necessary part of us.  We don’t want to forget what happened or let the people off the hook for what they did to us.  We are self-aware of the effects.  We just are not sure how to live without the luggage.

Bob (not his real name) was such a guy.  Raised by up and comers, he knew how to win approval by his actions.  Absentee Dad and career-oriented Mom left him with varied baby-sitters when younger and on his own when a teen.  He had little direction in life but also found that when his random decisions and actions cast a poor shadow on Dad or Mom, he had their attention then.  Life was about not embarrassing them.  He found himself looking for an escape from them.  He was also looking to fulfill deep desires within, such as being loved.

He found himself using people for his own means and when they disappointed him, he cut ties with them.  That is what he was taught.  He wandered in a pit of despair for a long time.  College was an experiment in searching.  A failed marriage; then a second.  The bags kept piling up and their weight was overwhelming.

One day one of his few friends starting talking about something amazing that happened in his life.  His life was similar to Bob’s life.  In his search, he had a conversation with a man who seemed to honestly care.  The guy lived next door and had shown kindness to him.  He brought him some meals when he was recovering from some minor surgery.  The guy even mowed his lawn during that time.  He told him about Jesus. How Jesus loved him unconditionally. How He died on the cross for all of our sins.  How He came to life again three days later and is alive today.  How He is the one who created us and has wonderful plans for our lives if we are willing to follow Him.

Bob’s friend responded by asking Jesus to forgive Him and he began the journey of following Him.  He told Bob he never felt this way before.  All the old junk of his life did not matter any more.  He realized that even then Jesus was showing love to him.  And that Jesus has been there wanting a relationship with him all along.  He felt free.

Bob was not sure what to say.  Was he willing to consider the same decision?

At our church, we offer a special form of spiritual counsel called Transformational Prayer Ministry.  It is a spiritual conversation, walking us through the baggage of our lives and seeing how Jesus was there loving us even at those times.  The outcome is to let go of those painful things to Jesus.  He desires for us to be free, unloading all the experiences and sins that hinder us so we can fly!

Are you willing to consider unloading your bags?  If so, contact the church at 688-7165 and make an appointment.  You can fly free today!

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