Monday, February 5, 2018

Don’t Give Up

I’ve always loved picking up details in stories even though I don’t do well with all the details in getting a task done.  One is an exploration toward completeness.  The other is the drudgery of completing.  My mind is drawn to the one and allergic to the other.

So I picked up an encouraging detail in a well known story I read recently.  Jesus is questioning the disciples, getting the latest polling on who people thought He was.  Elijah and John the Baptist, both reincarnated, led the polls.  Then Jesus polled them: “Who do you say that I am?”

Peter immediately blurts out, “You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God.”

Here is the detail.  Blessed are you Simon, for this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood but by my Father who is in Heaven.  No human being showed you this Peter.  You may not even know how you came to the conclusion.  But you are right.  You are Peter and I will use you to fish for men and build my church.  Wait?  Isn’t this Peter, the one who will tell Jesus along the road to Jerusalem that he would never let happen to Jesus what He is telling them will happen?  Isn’t this Peter, who will get so scared from the accusations of a teenage girl that he will deny Jesus three times?  Isn’t this Peter who doesn’t know what to do after the resurrection and returns to fishing?

Yes.  It is.  But Jesus sees Peter as He knows he can and will be, not as he is.  We focus on where we are and get discouraged.  We want to give up.  But Peter, when filled and directed by the Holy Spirit will be a totally different man.  And that is what we have to remember when we feel like giving up.  The Lord is not giving up on us.  He does and will reveal Himself.  And it won’t be in the same way always.

To Elijah, who was distraught and lonely, He spoke with a still, small voice.  (I Kings 19). To Paul on the road to Damascus, He spoke in bright light, with a voice that he alone heard.  Others heard sound but not what or who it was. (Acts 9). To Mary, Joseph and the Shepherds, He sent an angel with a message. (Matthew 1; Luke 1-2). Through the years I have heard numerous testimonies of people who told me that the Lord spoke to them as if He were right beside them yet there was no audible voice.

So don’t be discouraged today or quit.  The Lord sees you the way He created you to be.  And He will continue to reveal Himself to you as you seek Him.  Patiently seek Him.  You will find Him when you seek Him wholeheartedly. (Jeremiah 29:13)

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